Manipulation, Moonshine, and Murder Manipulation, Moonshine, and Murder By Valarie Veanes Upson KristenMeyer / Thursday, September 14, 2023 0 10955 A lively discussion from this new auther, Valarie Veanes Upson, captivated us as she uncovered the history of her grandmother's tragic past. We learned more about life during the Great Depression and what people had to do to survive. Read more
Golden Age Party at Clark Meadows Golden Age Party at Clark Meadows It's National Assisted Living Week and this is one of our celebrations at Clark Meadows! KristenMeyer / Thursday, September 14, 2023 0 8793 Today we enjoyed music performed by Katherine McGrath. She played Jazz standards, old Speakeasy music, and wonderful songs about friendship and love. It's been a full week of activities including an Octoberfest party, Sports Day, and a lecture put on by visiting author, Valerie Veanes Upson. Tomorrow is the Car Show! Read more
Apples, Apples, All Around! Apples, Apples, All Around! While Foraging at Ferris Hills and Clark Meadows we found an Apple Tree! KristenMeyer / Wednesday, September 6, 2023 0 11936 Delicious feral apples growing on our property! Apple sauce, apple crisp, apple pie, tarte au pomme? Anyone? They're not ready yet so stay tuned. Read more
Summer Cooking Class and Wine Pairing with Melissa Summer Cooking Class and Wine Pairing with Melissa Grilled Peaches & Burrata on Crustini KristenMeyer / Wednesday, August 30, 2023 0 9101 This was Mellissa's first cooking class. She hopes to host this event once a month with a seasonal twist. Today's demonstration was casual and fun. Peaches, burrata, balsamic glaze on crustini made for a DELICIOUS combination! Can't want to see what Melissa comes up with next. Read more
Lynne Standish / Saturday, May 9, 2020 / Categories: Clark Meadows Events Social Social Distancing! What exactly does that look like? Social social distancing..What exactly does that look like? It's difficult to capture in pictures because we are spread so far apart, but the warmth and love of our community is stronger than ever. A typical day starts with a reading of the morning news in groups of 10 or less sitting far apart from one another. Then, those who choose go to exercise class. Today, we had two morning options; 1.) Paint class where we painted a waterfall (more to come in future blogs about our resident artists) and 2.) Reading Club where we read a few chapters from "Water for Elephants." This afternoon, we celebrated with a Fiesta themed happy hour. Our pinata named "Corona" didn't fare so well. Our happy hours take place throughout the building in small gatherings where we can sit 6 feet apart. It's up to the staff to circulate and serve refreshments. Today, we got a little was a Fiesta after all! This is a glimpse into a typical day at Clark Meadows. We've been social distancing for quite a while now and it has become a habit that we know is extremely important if we are to stay COVID19 free! Previous Article Spirits are still high! Next Article Blowing Kisses Print 9881