Golden Age Party at Clark Meadows

It's National Assisted Living Week and this is one of our celebrations at Clark Meadows!

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Today we enjoyed music performed by Katherine McGrath.  She played Jazz standards, old Speakeasy music, and wonderful songs about friendship and love.  It's been a full week of activities including an Octoberfest party, Sports Day, and a lecture put on by visiting author, Valerie Veanes Upson.  Tomorrow is the Car Show!  

Butterfly Release

Butterfly Release

We held a beautiful remembrance service for our residents and our loved ones lost. 

50 individual butterflies were released to honor those who have passed, but why butterflies?  Why not bubbles, balloons or planting a tree?  The butterfly’s journey through life is a perfect metaphor for our own spiritual journey, full of birth, life, death and transformation.  There is something special about them that inspires us, we smile when we see one.  They remind us that things are ever changing and there is beauty in that change.

According to an American Indian Legend, if anyone desires a wish to come true they must first capture a butterfly and whisper that wish to it.

Since a butterfly can make no sound, the butterfly cannot reveal the wish to anyone but the Great Spirit who hears and sees all.

In gratitude for giving the beautiful butterfly its freedom, the Great Spirit always grants the wish.

Others say that you can whisper ‘I love you’ to a butterfly and it will fly to heaven to deliver you message.

Those of you who released a butterfly donated to Family Promise of Ontario County, a not for profit charity that help low income families in Canandaigua.

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