Clark Meadows Resident has Pilots in the Family!

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Proof from above that Ferris Hills and Clarks Meadows are in the heart of the Finger Lakes Region surrounded by lush greenery. These aerial shots were taken on Sunday, August 27th by Jane Kinyoun's son, Rob and Grandson, Jeff as they flew their sea plane from Keuka Lake to Honeoye Lake. They were headed to the Twisted Rail  to celebrate Jeff turning 21.  Apparently, they had one for Nanny! 

Off to the Pub!

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A group of residents took off to the Blue Eagle Tavern in Branchport, NY for an afternoon of pub fare and an opportunity to see and remember this historic hot spot that has served generations of lake folk..

Cooking Demonstration with Chef Matt
Lynne Standish

Cooking Demonstration with Chef Matt

A number of Ferris Hills residents turned out to listen to Chef Matt during one of his first cooking demonstrations.  I don't know about you, but I have always heard that making risotto can be a bit touchy.  Chef discussed some of the tricks to making his Mushroom Risotto, and in particular, that you cannot rush it!  He learned some "tricks" for this dish many years ago from an Italian Chef.  The process began with cooking garlic and then onions....along came the rice and the "toasting" began.  This is a recipe that you must continue to stir.  Chef added a mushroom stock made from mushrooms, wine, herbs and water.  He spoke about the necessity to cook down the wine.  And then finally he added the "good stuff" as he referred to the cream, the butter and the parmesan cheese.  Throughout this process, Chef was able to answer a number of questions from the audience, and finally, the Risotto was ready and the tasting began!   Buon Appetito!

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