
The Flower of Remembrance

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Making artificial poppies is a long-standing tradition and today we all pitched in to help the local Veterans Affairs assemble poppies. Close to 400 poppies were assembled and we had a good time sharing stories and remembering our own experiences with the symbolic poppy.  

Music History: Great Conductors (Part 1)

Katherine continues to enrich our lives with her Music History Series

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Today at Clark Meadows, Katherine McGrath lead the Music History series with a new topic.  Great Concuctors, such as Marin Alsop, Lorin Verncove Maazel, Herbert von Karajan, Juliette Nadia Boulanger, and Fritz Reiner were featured.  So interesting to learn about the different styles and what all those hand gestures and arm motions mean! 

Social Social Distancing!
Lynne Standish
/ Categories: Clark Meadows Events

Social Social Distancing!

What exactly does that look like?

Social social distancing..What exactly does that look like?  It's difficult to capture in pictures because we are spread so far apart, but the warmth and love of our community is stronger than ever. 

A typical day starts with a reading of the morning news in groups of 10 or less sitting far apart from one another.  Then, those who choose go to exercise class.  Today, we had two morning options; 1.) Paint class where we painted a waterfall (more to come in future blogs about our resident artists) and 2.) Reading Club where we read a few chapters from "Water for Elephants."  This afternoon, we celebrated with a Fiesta themed happy hour.  Our pinata named "Corona" didn't fare so well.  Our happy hours take place throughout the building in small gatherings where we can sit 6 feet apart.  It's up to the staff to circulate and serve refreshments.  Today, we got a little rowdy...it was a Fiesta after all! 

This is a glimpse into a typical day at Clark Meadows.  We've been social distancing for quite a while now and it has become a habit that we know is extremely important if we are to stay COVID19 free!

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