The Bond Between Caregivers and Our Residents The Bond Between Caregivers and Our Residents The bonds that form are so very important to both staff and residents. KristenMeyer / Monday, January 2, 2023 0 9700 It is more than a job. It is a calling for many of our staff. Read more
The Art of Serenity The Art of Serenity A mountainous scene to calm the soul by Al Johnson KristenMeyer / Tuesday, December 20, 2022 0 9360 Read more
Clark Meadows Annual Holiday Party! Clark Meadows Annual Holiday Party! Joy in Fellowship! KristenMeyer / Friday, December 16, 2022 0 9025 The Clark Meadows Holday Party was enjoyed by all who attended. Delicious food, drinks, and festivities! Read more
Veterans Day 2022 Veterans Day 2022 Our Annual USO Show with Fitz! KristenMeyer / Thursday, December 8, 2022 0 11713 This is our 3rd year in a row celebrating our veterans with a performance from Fitz! Read more
Elf Day! Elf Day! Just another day at Clark Meadows in Canandaigua, NY! KristenMeyer / Thursday, December 8, 2022 0 9093 Elf Day at Clark Meadows is a Wonderful Thing to Behold! Read more
Lynne Standish / Friday, March 5, 2021 / Categories: Ferris Hills Blog, Clark Meadows Blog Clark Meadows resident turns 101! June Beauchamp turned 101 on March 4th, 2021. June was born in Elmira, NY at the Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hospital. Her Father ran a very successful auto sales business and her Mother was a dance instructor. She and her sister grew up in West Elmira where they graduated from Elmira Free Academy. Her best friend lived right down the street and their friendship continued throughout her life. Growing up after prohibition, they enjoyed going to dances and seeing friends at the Hilltop Inn in Elmira. One of June’s accomplishments was learning classical ballet and she loves classical music to this day. June graduated from Elmira College and worked at Cornell University in the Nutrition department. She married her husband, Jim at the Grace Episcopal Church in Elmira. They eventually moved to the Midwest and raised their son Jim. She returned to her family cottage on Keuka Lake where the family still enjoys the Finger Lakes region. In her later years, she found a strong community of caring friends at Ferris Hills, and now lives at Clark Meadows where she was celebrated by staff on her birthday. “I’m so happy to have been able to return to my roots in the Finger Lakes.” When asked what the secret to her longevity was, she responded that “I’m an independent, strong woman and I am a firm believer that good nutrition, exercise, and a daily dose of chocolate keeps you going.” Previous Article Valentine's Brunch Next Article Clark Meadows very own Final Four! Print 39397