Gingerbread Houses!

That time for eager creativity has arrived and today local homeschoolers came to help us decorate these adorable houses.

KristenMeyer 0 2018

Gingerbread houses are a delightful holiday tradition that brings people of all ages together.  The sound of children's voices in our community is always a welcome sound.

Chair Travel with Beth Brancato

Chair Travel with Beth Brancato

Beth Brancato took the audience to the Himalayas where she described the culture and life style of those who call it ‘home’.  Not only did Beth bring wonderful photos and stories of her travels but she adds the extra touches of food, fabrics and unique treasures that she has collected along the way. 

The audience were captivated by this talk and all were highly impressed with Beth’s knowledge and ability to present in such a warm and fun way. 

We look forward to the next talk on February 14th when we will be traveling to Uzbekistan. 

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