Witchy Day at Clark Meadows

"She's a Woman In Total Control of Herself!"

KristenMeyer 0 9596

These ladies are members of the Clark Meadows Team and they bring their best selves to work every single day!  They are the most caring ladies I know.  Here we have our Nurse Manager, Case Manager, Nurse Coordinator, Personal Care Asssistant, Administrtive Assistant, and Lifestyle Coordinator.  Together, with all the other staff here, they work tirelessly to uplift our community making everyday special.

Gameshow time at Clark Meadows
Lynne Standish

Gameshow time at Clark Meadows

It was a great afternoon for a game of $25000 Pyramid!  Residents were matched with staff to play this game of word association.  "Contestants" are given clues and try to guess a series of items related to different categories.  Sometimes this can become quite animated! (See pic).  A great time had by all.

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