A visit with Bruce Smoller, MD, certified educator for both the Wine and Spirits Educational Trust and the Wine Scholar Guild A visit with Bruce Smoller, MD, certified educator for both the Wine and Spirits Educational Trust and the Wine Scholar Guild KristenMeyer / Wednesday, June 12, 2024 0 4664 Dr. Smoller shared his passon for teaching about wine with Clark Meadows. Our residents were enthusiastic participants as Bruce regaled us with his knowledge on wines from France and the various regions that produce the grapes that make the different varietals. It was a real treat for our residents and the staff were quite jealous. The picture of Terry and myself was posed. We did not imbibe! Read more
Artist, Benji Carr, Visits Clark Meadows Artist, Benji Carr, Visits Clark Meadows "The Ghost of Roseland" is coming to Canandaigua Lake! KristenMeyer / Tuesday, May 21, 2024 0 8417 Local artist, Benji Carr, was on site to show his latest project to our residents. The Ghost of Roseland sculpture is his latest commissioned piece. He brought the model to show us how it will look and explained that there will be moving parts. What a thrill for our staff and residents to get this up close and personal presentation of such an exciting project. The discussion brought out a lot of reminiscing about Roseland Park. So many of our residents grew up in Canandaigua and Rosleand Park was a big part of their youth. The art reflects the history of our town and the importance that the park played. Pat Rini Rohrer, gallery owner and Art Tuppen, Canandaigua local, were two of our enthusiastic audience participants. They are photographed here with the artist. Read more
Cinco de Mayo Cinco de Mayo Sams Palomas & Pico de Gallo KristenMeyer / Monday, May 6, 2024 0 26789 Cooking Class was a fiesta with Melissa today! Read more
Morning Stretching with Hannah Morning Stretching with Hannah KristenMeyer / Thursday, April 25, 2024 0 6706 Read more
Lynne Standish / Thursday, June 16, 2022 / Categories: Ferris Hills Blog You're a Grand Old Flag... ...forever in peace may you wave. Celebrating Flag Day at the community has always been a very important event. We are so fortunate to have many residents, particularly those who have served in the military, that are excited to participate in the program each year. This year Retired U.S. Navy veteran Kathy C. led the Pledge of Allegiance and also spoke about what the flag means to her. Coast Guard veteran Bern O. shared a poem that he wrote. Gerry S.spoke about a tradition involving the flag during his time serving in the U.S. Air Force. Katherine McGraff, Lifestyle Coordinator, sang the Star Spangled Banner as those in attendance joined in. "You're the emblem of the land I love, the home of the free and the brave!" Previous Article Permission to come aboard? Next Article Ordering Breakfast using ASL Print 14397