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SuperUser Account / Sunday, January 1, 2017 / Categories: Ferris Hills Blog To Your Good Health Simple Things Help Make Healthy Aging Possible Have you noticed that the numbers in the phone book seem to be getting smaller? Do you find it harder to get down on your knees to look under the bed—and to get up again?There’s no question that age brings changes to our lives. And yes, some of them we’d prefer to avoid.Physically, for example, stiffening joints can make it harder to get around. And many people find that their short-term memory just isn’t what it used to be. Often, difficult personal situations, such as the death of a spouse, can add to the negative changes.But age can bring positive changes too. One survey found that many older people say they have less stress and more time for family, interests and hobbies than they used to. In fact, the vast majority of older people report they are satisfied with their lives.To a great extent, what older age will be like for you depends on how you live now and how you cope with the changes that come your way. You may not be able to turn back time, but you can move in a direction that may make getting older easier and more pleasant. Here are a few pointers:Decide to have an active mind and body. Remember the adage "Use it or lose it."Opt to be involved. Isolation can contribute to depression and other health problems. So keep connected to family and friends. Social connections can help ensure that you have physical and emotional support for what comes your way.Choose a healthy lifestyle. The advice you heard when you were younger still applies: Eat well, maintain a healthy weight, get enough rest, don’t smoke, do what you can to stay safe and see your doctor regularly.Relish your leisure time. Do things you enjoy, and allow yourself some downtime. Too much stress can contribute to a host of health problems.Practice healthy ways to cope. Believe in yourself, and remember: You can handle whatever comes your way.Sources: AGS Foundation for Health in Aging; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Mental Health America; Pew Research CenterTo your good health—simple things help make healthyaging possibleHave you noticed that the numbers in the phone book seem to be gettingsmaller? Do you find it harder to get down on your knees to look under thebed—and to get up again?There’s no question that age brings changes to our lives. And yes, someof them we’d prefer to avoid.Physically, for example, stiffening joints can make it harder to getaround. And many people find that their short-term memory just isn’t what itused to be. Often, difficult personal situations, such as the death of aspouse, can add to the negative changes. But age can bring positive changes too. One survey found that many olderpeople say they have less stress and more time for family, interests andhobbies than they used to. In fact, the vast majority of older people reportthey are satisfied with their lives.To a great extent, what older age will be like for you depends on howyou live now and how you cope with the changes that come your way. You may notbe able to turn back time, but you can move in a direction that may makegetting older easier and more pleasant. Here are a few pointers:· Decide to havean active mind and body. Remember the adage "Use it or lose it."· Opt to beinvolved. Isolation can contribute to depression and other health problems. Sokeep connected to family and friends. Social connections can help ensure thatyou have physical and emotional support for what comes your way.· Choose ahealthy lifestyle. The advice you heard when you were younger stillapplies: Eat well, maintain a healthy weight, get enough rest, don’t smoke, dowhat you can to stay safe and see your doctor regularly.· Relish yourleisure time. Do things you enjoy, and allow yourself somedowntime. Too much stress can contribute to a host of health problems.· Practicehealthy ways to cope. Believe in yourself, and remember: You can handlewhatever comes your way.Sources: AGS Foundation for Health in Aging; Centers for Disease Controland Prevention; Mental Health America; Pew Research Center Previous Article Athletic Trainers Bring Expertise to Ferris Hills’ Fitness Center Next Article Green Thumbs In Their Glory at Ferris Hills Print 21040