Ferris Hills Residents Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

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(CANANDAIGUA, NY) Although the residents of the Finger Lakes’ leading Senior Living Community hail from all over the world, everyone was Irish for a day on Friday, March 17.

The spirit of the Irish was in the air at the annual Ferris Hills St. Patrick’s Day Social. It was also apparent in the party-goers green apparel and Irish-themed food, drink, and entertainment.

Get Ready for Grandkids

How to Childproof Your Home

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When it comes to the safety of your most special houseguests—your grandchildren—you can't be too cautious. So before their next visit, check out these tips for childproofing your home and ridding it of hidden hazards that might seriously injure babies or young kids.

Car Show 2019

Car Show 2019

If you missed our annual car show, Bob Ward's photos are going to make you wish you hadn't! As always, he did a great job at capturing the fun we had. Thank you to everyone who entered a car and who came out to join our residents in enjoying this fabulous event! Also, many thanks to the Paulsen & Baker Band, as well as special guest Tim Chaapel, for giving us some great music to dance to!

Also, we'd like to congratulate the following car show winners:
* Best Exterior – Doug French
* Best Hot Rod – Bob Eisenhart
* Best in show – Bill Halpin...
* Best Antique – Richard Stearns
* Best Interior – Ron Phillips
* Best Classic – Bob Smith

This event is loved by residents, staff and members of the public.  We hope to see you next year.

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