Ferris Hills Residents Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

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(CANANDAIGUA, NY) Although the residents of the Finger Lakes’ leading Senior Living Community hail from all over the world, everyone was Irish for a day on Friday, March 17.

The spirit of the Irish was in the air at the annual Ferris Hills St. Patrick’s Day Social. It was also apparent in the party-goers green apparel and Irish-themed food, drink, and entertainment.

Get Ready for Grandkids

How to Childproof Your Home

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When it comes to the safety of your most special houseguests—your grandchildren—you can't be too cautious. So before their next visit, check out these tips for childproofing your home and ridding it of hidden hazards that might seriously injure babies or young kids.

The Revolutionary Progress of Human History

The Revolutionary Progress of Human History

The Revolutionary Progress of Human History series presented by Sarah Hodgson was a huge hit!  The information was fascinating and Sarah's flawless delivery made the programs extremely enjoyable. 

Human history can be viewed as a long experiment filled with trial, error, and revision aimed at fostering perpetual progress. Even the definition of progress has undergone this process of experimentation; at times it has been chiefly aimed at a raised standard of living or expansion of commerce at other moments in history it has been defined by an expansion of human freedom or the notion of equality. Many of these experiments have resulted in chaos as a society sought to completely remake it self; often with unintended consequences.  Each of these experiments has changed human life and interaction on all levels and in all areas of society. Due to this total upheaval we have dubbed these experiments revolutionary. 

This lecture series explored the nature, purpose, and outcome of the significant revolutions in human history while exploring the notion of progress and asking if it can be achieved without this messy upheaval. The series started with the Neolithic Revolution and moved on through time to cover The Axial Age, The Enlightenment, The French Revolution, The Industrial Revolution, The Meiji Restoration, The Russian Revolution, Indian Independence, Communist China and ended with 1989 a year full of explosive and far reaching changes as nations around the world struggled with the removal of communist control in Eastern Europe, continued efforts at decolonization in Africa, challenges to authority around the world, and the death throes of a superpower.  This year also saw key technological developments that ushered in the technological revolution we are currently experiencing. 

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