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Car Show 2019

Car Show 2019

If you missed our annual car show, Bob Ward's photos are going to make you wish you hadn't! As always, he did a great job at capturing the fun we had. Thank you to everyone who entered a car and who came out to join our residents in enjoying this fabulous event! Also, many thanks to the Paulsen & Baker Band, as well as special guest Tim Chaapel, for giving us some great music to dance to!

Also, we'd like to congratulate the following car show winners:
* Best Exterior – Doug French
* Best Hot Rod – Bob Eisenhart
* Best in show – Bill Halpin...
* Best Antique – Richard Stearns
* Best Interior – Ron Phillips
* Best Classic – Bob Smith

This event is loved by residents, staff and members of the public.  We hope to see you next year.

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