Green Thumbs In Their Glory at Ferris Hills SuperUser Account / Wednesday, February 1, 2017 0 21682 When considering a move to an independent living apartment, some green thumbs wonder if they will have to give up gardening. At Ferris Hills at West Lake, that couldn’t be further from the truth, and they couldn’t be happier. Read more
To Your Good Health Simple Things Help Make Healthy Aging Possible SuperUser Account / Sunday, January 1, 2017 0 22782 Have you noticed that the numbers in the phone book seem to be getting smaller? Do you find it harder to get down on your knees to look under the bed—and to get up again? Read more
Athletic Trainers Bring Expertise to Ferris Hills’ Fitness Center SuperUser Account / Thursday, December 1, 2016 0 21967 Certified athletic trainers from UR Medicine’s Thompson Health visit Ferris Hills at West Lake twice a week, leading exercise classes, helping residents use the fitness center equipment correctly and answering questions about how to get started with an exercise plan as well as how to accomplish specific goals. Read more
Clark Meadows offers Short Stays SuperUser Account / Tuesday, November 1, 2016 0 25648 Imagine…a comfortable and friendly hotel-like setting where you enjoy chef-prepared meals in an elegant restaurant. Read more
Lynne Standish / Friday, February 25, 2022 / Categories: Ferris Hills Events, Ferris Hills Blog, Clark Meadows Blog The more I live, the more I learn! Residents from our community are continuing to learn with this years Great Decisions program. This program is America's largest discussion program on world affairs and is brought to us by the Foreign Policy Association. The program model involves reading the Great Decisions briefing book, watching the documentary film series and meeting in a discussion group to discuss the most critical global issues facing America today. Each week a different resident is asked to prepare an introduction for the topic. The film is shown and interesting discussion points follow. From Climate Change and Outer Space to Russia and the United States, there is sure to be a thought provoking topic for all. Previous Article A staff appreciation surprise! Next Article French Toast...Eggs...Bacon....Oh MY! Print 15755