Derby Day at Ferris Hills

Jockey Claire had a last-minute entry for this horse race! The crowd went wild!

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Jockey Claire was also Bartender Claire for this fun event!  Mint Juleps, wine, sodas, and beer were served with pulled pork sandwiches and deviled eggs.  As tradition would have it, we all sang "My Old Kentucky Home," and as I began to describe the events of our own version of this time honored horse race, a last minute entry was announced and in trotted Claire mounted on her trusty steed.  The crowd went wild and the party began with laughter and fun!

Where's the Beef?

For the answer, look no further than Ferris Hills at West Lake in Canandaigua, NY

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The 10th Annual Chef & Sip Challenge was held yesterday at the Hotel Canandaigua. It was presented by the Canandaigua Kiwanis Club.  

Our Chefs, Daniel Cobb and Julie Woloson offered up Yankee Pot Roast and Mashed Potatoes garnished with puff pastry/carmalized onion & chive.  It was a feast for the senses and they came home with the prize of Most Creative!  Congratulations to these talented chefs!

Lots of familiar faces in the photos.  You will see some of our wait staff, Matt Pelton and Kaylee White, out enjoying the day along with retired Executive Director, Aimee Ward. The venue was beautiful, the competition was fierce, but there was great camaraderie among the many talented chefs.  There is so much talent in this region of the Finger Lakes and we are fortunate to have some of that talent right here at Ferris Hills and Clark Meadows.


The Centerpieces are just Beautiful!

Ferris Hills Holiday Dinners have tablescapes this year that are extra special.

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In these pictures you can see a flurry of activity in Rayburn Hall as we prepared for our annual Holiday Dinner Extravaganza.  The centerpieces were made from foraging in the woods.  Residents got together and did all the arranging.  The invitations were sent out, our chefs were busy planning and preparing, and the staff helped arrange and set the tables.  The parties have begun.  Each floor has their own private dinner in the great hall.  It is an opportunity to give thanks and to spend time with neighbors and friends.


Get Ready for Grandkids

How to Childproof Your Home

When it comes to the safety of your most special houseguests—your grandchildren—you can't be too cautious. So before their next visit, check out these tips for childproofing your home and ridding it of hidden hazards that might seriously injure babies or young kids.

Hide temptation. Naturally curious little ones will put almost anything into their mouths. Keep potential poisons (such as medicine, household cleaners and rubbing alcohol) out of reach—and, ideally, in a locked cabinet. And don't leave purses within grabbing distance. Chances are they contain choking hazards, like coins or medicine.

Hold off on hand-me-downs. Yes, it might seem sweet to tuck your grandbaby into the same crib your children slept in. But old baby furniture is risky. A crib that is more than a few years old, for example, won't meet today's safety standards. The same is likely true for playpens.

Set the stage for safe sleep. To protect against sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), keep soft, cushiony objects—such as stuffed animals, bumper pads, pillows and blankets—out of cribs. And always put babies to sleep on their backs on a firm surface—not your bed.

Beware of bathroom dangers. Babies and toddlers can fall headfirst into toilets and drown. Play it safe and use toilet locks.

Fend off falls. Install gates at the top and bottom of each staircase. The gates at the top of stairs should be mounted with screws. But it's OK if those at the bottom are pressure mounted. And help keep adventurous climbers safe by moving chairs, cribs and other furniture away from windows.

For more ways to help keep grandchildren out of harm's way, visit Click on "Safety Tips."

Sources: AARP; American Academy of Pediatrics; Safe Kids Worldwide

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