The Barbie Movie

What is it about the Barbie Movie that is creating so much attention?

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Ok.  So we clearly had a lot of fun showing the Barbie Movie in Rayburn Hall on Friday.  The pre-party was a hoot!  The energy our residents brought to the event was palpable.

It's a fun movie, but since I'm blogging on a website for a Senior Community, I thought I might dig deeper and my attention went to the bench scene.  Academy award winning, fashion designer, Ann Roth, meets Barbie on a bench where Barbie looks at this elderly woman and says, "you're beautiful," and Ann Roth responds, "I know it."  There it is!!!  Women talking to each other through generations.  Barbie's decision to leave Barbieland and embrace the discomforts of the human experience and to see beauty in aging are some of the themes in the movie.  

There was magic in the air on friday as we drank pink cocktails, ate pink popcorn, and enjoyed each other as modern women living in challenging times.

A Spooktacular Show

The Players of Ontario County Arts Council visit Ferris Hills

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Reader’s Theater performed by The Players of Ontario County Arts Council put on a Spooktacular show last Sunday.

We were honored to welcome the group back for a second time and the audience was not disappointed! 

Our residents and members of the public enjoyed listening to the eerie tales and had a chance to win a selection of raffle prizes.

Funds raised support the OCAC scholarship and grant programs.  We look forward to hosting more great shows in the future.  


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It was a beautiful evening, August 11th, for FunDay Friday as residents of Ferris Hills and Clark Meadows enjoyed a solo serenade by one of the Elderly Brothers, and Ferris Resident, Gabe Cinquegrana.  The music, all familiar to the 35+ people in attendance, lasted for 1 hour and brought back many memories.


Off to the Pub!

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A group of residents took off to the Blue Eagle Tavern in Branchport, NY for an afternoon of pub fare and an opportunity to see and remember this historic hot spot that has served generations of lake folk..

The Revolutionary Progress of Human History

The Revolutionary Progress of Human History

The Revolutionary Progress of Human History series presented by Sarah Hodgson was a huge hit!  The information was fascinating and Sarah's flawless delivery made the programs extremely enjoyable. 

Human history can be viewed as a long experiment filled with trial, error, and revision aimed at fostering perpetual progress. Even the definition of progress has undergone this process of experimentation; at times it has been chiefly aimed at a raised standard of living or expansion of commerce at other moments in history it has been defined by an expansion of human freedom or the notion of equality. Many of these experiments have resulted in chaos as a society sought to completely remake it self; often with unintended consequences.  Each of these experiments has changed human life and interaction on all levels and in all areas of society. Due to this total upheaval we have dubbed these experiments revolutionary. 

This lecture series explored the nature, purpose, and outcome of the significant revolutions in human history while exploring the notion of progress and asking if it can be achieved without this messy upheaval. The series started with the Neolithic Revolution and moved on through time to cover The Axial Age, The Enlightenment, The French Revolution, The Industrial Revolution, The Meiji Restoration, The Russian Revolution, Indian Independence, Communist China and ended with 1989 a year full of explosive and far reaching changes as nations around the world struggled with the removal of communist control in Eastern Europe, continued efforts at decolonization in Africa, challenges to authority around the world, and the death throes of a superpower.  This year also saw key technological developments that ushered in the technological revolution we are currently experiencing. 

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