So Much Talent at Ferris Hills at West Lake in Canandaigua, NY! So Much Talent at Ferris Hills at West Lake in Canandaigua, NY! Today we showcased our talented residents. What fun to share what we have created with our friends and neighbors! KristenMeyer / Tuesday, February 25, 2025 0 2125 Read more
Beatlemania at Ferris Hills! Beatlemania at Ferris Hills! John "Gabe" Lennon was in the house! KristenMeyer / Tuesday, January 28, 2025 0 10093 The Beatle fan base is strong at Ferris Hills. Those screaming teenagers are all grown up now, but they still love Paul, John, George, and Ringo! Read more
The True Meaning of Christmas The True Meaning of Christmas KristenMeyer / Friday, January 3, 2025 0 6432 Since the beginning of December, so much has happened at Clark Meadows. It was hard to keep up with our activity’s coordinator and her team. They planned so many wonderful activities and events. The magic of the holidays was brought to Clark Meadows in a special way this year with this new team of creative energy. We have our fun traditions at Clark Meadows, but every year there are moments created that make each year memorable. It is a time where we do miss those who aren’t with us anymore, but with the help of our activities team we created a lot of busyness, but most importantly joy. Before we knew it, it was Christmas Eve. On December 24th some of us gathered for a candlelight service. Residents from Clark Meadows and Ferris Hills participated with readings and musical performances. We turned on our battery-operated candles as we sang the closing hymn, Silent Night. It reminded me of candlelight services I attended as a child, but this one was different. This community touches me as I’m sure it does many of our staff. The kindness, beauty, and truth that we experience from our elderly give us courage to face life cheerfully. It is a privilege to work here and participate in the daily lives of our residents. I took that candle with me that night and it lighted my way home. Read more
Honeoye Middle Schoolers perform a Holiday Concert at Clark Meadows & Ferris Hills Honeoye Middle Schoolers perform a Holiday Concert at Clark Meadows & Ferris Hills These darling children performed for us and then stayed for a meet and greet sharing homemade holiday cards. What a delightful afternoon! KristenMeyer / Wednesday, December 18, 2024 0 9313 Read more
It's Our Annual Holiday Bake Sale. We Have Pies, Handmade Blankets, Gift Baskets, and More! It's Our Annual Holiday Bake Sale. We Have Pies, Handmade Blankets, Gift Baskets, and More! All the proceeds go toward supporting our "adopted" family this Christmas. KristenMeyer / Wednesday, November 27, 2024 0 6586 Read more
The Festival of Trees at the Granger Homestead in Canandaigua, NY The Festival of Trees at the Granger Homestead in Canandaigua, NY Today a group of folks took our tour bus to visit this beautiful holiday spectacle! KristenMeyer / Wednesday, November 13, 2024 0 3812 Read more
Oktoberfest 2024 at Ferris Hills! Oktoberfest 2024 at Ferris Hills! Oom-pah! KristenMeyer / Monday, October 21, 2024 0 6375 Read more
"Wear it Pink" "Wear it Pink" KristenMeyer / Monday, October 21, 2024 0 3403 "Wear it Pink" is an annual event that invites people to wear pink to show their support for breast cancer awareness and research. Ferris Hills marked the day with a Ladies' Tea. Read more
Coconut Zoodle Soup! It's on the menu today! Coconut Zoodle Soup! It's on the menu today! Sous Chef, Dan Cobb, hit it out of the park with this summer veggie soup! KristenMeyer / Thursday, June 27, 2024 0 16025 After several residents came to me today asking about a particular menu item, I felt compelled to check it out. Coconut Zoodle Soup sounds nice, right? Dan Cobb was very busy preparing for the evening meal, but took the time to let me have a taste. Refreshing coconut, chicken broth, lemon, cilantro, zucchini noodles, and a hint of curry paste are some of the flavors all working together making a delicious soup that is so appropriate for this breezy summer day! I could go on and on about the amazing talent in the Ferris Hills/Clark Meadows kitchen, but today it's all about Dan Cobb and his Coconut Zoodle Soup! Read more
The Men of Ferris Hills and Clark Meadows Enjoying Lunch together in Rayburn Hall The Men of Ferris Hills and Clark Meadows Enjoying Lunch together in Rayburn Hall KristenMeyer / Wednesday, June 12, 2024 0 10118 Read more
Margaret / Wednesday, June 28, 2017 / Categories: Ferris Hills Events, Clark Meadows Events, Senior Living Community Events, Ferris Hills Blog Ferris Hills Flag Day Event Salutes Resident Veterans Ferris Hills honored both its resident members of “The Greatest Generation” and the Stars and Stripes in a moving Flag Day special event. Several residents and staff gathered together on the June 14 holiday to sing patriotic songs, witness a flag ceremony, and listen to keynote speakers. Local dentist and author Patrick Bastow was the featured guest speaker, discussing his new book entitled, “My Heroes and Their Stories of Survival.” This paperback book was released on May 11, 2017. Bastow talked about the book and his great admiration and respect for veterans. He learned early on that their wounds “were not just physical.” He continued, “They have wounds that never heal.” The book features the heroic true stories of some of our own, including Don Barton of California and Fred Fletcher of Michigan. These two Ferris Hills residents were in different bomb groups of the Army’s 8th Air Force. After being shot down within minutes of one another, both ended up in different prisoner of war camps before being released in 1945. The men didn’t know each other during the war, but decades later they met for the first time as residents at Ferris Hills. This shared connection was a remarkable discovery. On Flag Day, Bastow signed copies of his book and engaged with locals and residents who came to see his speak. Attendees included Barton and Fletcher, whose stories are featured in the book. Flag Day exists as a holiday to commemorate the adoption of the flag of the United States, which occurred on June 14, 1777. Residents of Ferris Hills gathered together, festooned in red, white, and blue, to celebrate the occasion and salute our veterans for serving to protect the American Flag and the freedom it represents. President Calvin Coolidge once said that the flag “represents our peace and security, our civil and political liberty, our freedom of religious worship, our family, our friends, and our home”. The many veterans and their family members who call Ferris Hills home would agree. The staff at Ferris Hills makes it a priority to acknowledge and celebrate the unique histories of each resident, and this Flag Day special event was just one more way to recognize the heroic veterans who walk our hallways. Copies of Bartow’s book can be purchased online at here: Previous Article String Quartet At Ferris Hills Provides Private Concert, Sneak Preview Next Article Sonnenberg Field Trip Showcases the Best of Finger Lakes’ Flora and Fauna Print 196183 Tags: Ferris Hills at West LakeFerris Hills Flag Day celebrationThe Greatest GenerationPatrick BastowMy Heroes and Their Stories of SurvivalveteransPOW