A Full Continuum of Senior Living Services

Excellent health care, comfortable living arrangements, ample recreational and social opportunities, senior residential living, a well-trained staff of professionals, safety and security - that's what Thompson Health offers in our senior living and health care services.


"Minds Matter"

"Minds Matter"

Self-Care Group

Once a month, since July, we have held a meeting of the minds!  Katherine McGrath, our Activities Director is calling this Self-Care with an emphasis on mental health awareness.  Topics have varied.  They have discussed Grief, Parenting, coping with changes that accompany aging, Love Languages, and Meditation & Mindfulness.

This week the topic was called, “Minds Matter.”   It was the result of one of our residents asking the question, “what is mental health?” 

At the beginning of the class, three questions were asked; 1.) What does mental health mean to you? 2.) What is something you would like others to know about mental health? 3.) Write a phrase of encouragement or uplifting words below to help us all remember the importance of being kind to ourselves and others.

The responses were remarkable revealing the changing attitudes about mental health.  Katherine said that the discussion went in a direction where residents began to reflect on the history of mental health and how our view has dramatically changed from the 1950s & ‘60s to now.  The human experience and emotions are not new, but what is new is how we have become more accepting to discuss and reflect on our experiences and the emotions that go with them.  The addition of “Self-Care” to our calendar has added an enrichment to our social activities.  We are truly getting to know each other better with understanding and grace.


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So Much Talent at Ferris Hills at West Lake in Canandaigua, NY!

Today we showcased our talented residents. What fun to share what we have created with our friends and neighbors!

Beatlemania at Ferris Hills!

John "Gabe" Lennon was in the house!

The Beatle fan base is strong at Ferris Hills.  Those screaming teenagers are all grown up now, but they still love Paul, John, George, and Ringo! 

The True Meaning of Christmas

Since the beginning of December, so much has happened at Clark Meadows.  It was hard to keep up with our activity’s coordinator and her team.  They planned so many wonderful activities and events.  The magic of the holidays was brought to Clark Meadows in a special way this year with this new team of creative energy.  We have our fun traditions at Clark Meadows, but every year there are moments created that make each year memorable.  It is a time where we do miss those who aren’t with us anymore, but with the help of our activities team we created a lot of busyness, but most importantly joy.  Before we knew it, it was Christmas Eve.   On December 24th some of us gathered for a candlelight service. Residents from Clark Meadows and Ferris Hills participated with readings and musical performances.  We turned on our battery-operated candles as we sang the closing hymn, Silent Night.  It reminded me of candlelight services I attended as a child, but this one was different.  This community touches me as I’m sure it does many of our staff.  The kindness, beauty, and truth that we experience from our elderly give us courage to face life cheerfully.  It is a privilege to work here and participate in the daily lives of our residents.  I took that candle with me that night and it lighted my way home. 

Honeoye Middle Schoolers perform a Holiday Concert at Clark Meadows & Ferris Hills

These darling children performed for us and then stayed for a meet and greet sharing homemade holiday cards. What a delightful afternoon!

It's Our Annual Holiday Bake Sale. We Have Pies, Handmade Blankets, Gift Baskets, and More!

All the proceeds go toward supporting our "adopted" family this Christmas.


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